Check Out the First Clip of Emma Watson Singing as Belle in this Beauty and the Beast Doll Someone Found at Toys R Us

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Disney’s live-action Beauty and the Beast doesn’t come out until March, but the Disney merchandising machine already has toys and dolls on the shelves just in time for the Christmas rush. That’s why this week one lady was very surprised to discover that not only are singing Belle dolls available in stores, but they actually sing in the voice of Emma Watson. That’s pretty big news for Beauty and the Beast fans, because this is the first anyone’s actually heard of Emma Watson singing as Belle. Disney had released an official trailer, and we had even seen pictures of Emma Watson in that famous yellow dress, but it’s pretty surprising that the debut of Watson’s singing voice came out of a plastic doll from Toys R Us.

A video posted by Lissa Ray (@amfrozr) on

The sound quality on the Instagram isn’t great, of course. It’s a recording of a movie played from inside a doll, recorded with a phone and posted to Instagram. But still, Emma Watson sounds pretty good.

Pilot, costumer, and Disney superfan Lissa Ray found the doll, recorded her singing, and put it on Instagram, and fans went nuts for it. It is the first time we’ve heard Watson singing as Belle, and as much as we love Emma Watson’s acting, everyone was really eager to hear if she could sing as well.

Here is the whole song, sung by the doll:

A video posted by Lissa Ray (@amfrozr) on

Beauty and the Beast producer Jack Morrissey heard the recording and confirmed that the voice singing in the doll is Emma Watson singing “Something There” from the movie.

The dolls are apparently in stores now, and they can be identified by pictures of Emma Watson on the packaging, because the doll might sound like Emma Watson, but it doesn’t really look anything like her. Oh well. It still has a pretty voice, and I had forgotten how much I liked the song “Something There.”


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