25 Birth Photos That Are Unbelievably Candid And Beautiful
Childbirth is an incredible, life-changing experience. It’s hard, and painful, and long, and scary. It can also be amazingly beautiful, as evidenced by these jaw-dropping birth photos. Is there anything more gorgeous than a picture of a new parent seeing their baby for the first time? Or a new little life making their entrance into this world? It might seem strange for some, taking photos of such an intimate time, but these are works of art. Not only are they incredible memories, but these birth photos show the emotional journey from labor to delivery. They capture those moments you might not remember, but never want to forget. They’re raw and candid and powerful, and sometimes, even funny!
Showing and sharing birth photos can have a great benefit to the world at large, too. The more we see this type of real rawness, the more normalized it becomes. As that happens, we will start to see more support for people in labor and after birth, more understanding of what to expect ourselves, and well, these are just emotional. Shout out to these moms and dads and new little babies, we are in awe of you all!
Ugh, these emotions. Who is cutting onions?!
That first snuggle? Gut-punch. There is so much power in this photo that you can almost feel the love right through the picture. The way the mama is cradling her new little one. And of course her partner who is cradling her at the same time. He’s full of joy and smiles while the mama looks so relieved to have her baby safely earth side. There really is no time in life where you get to see this type of power and the love that radiates through the family is pure joy. Also, mama is tired. This picture makes us want to cry right along with it.
The moment when you reach down and your baby is RIGHT THERE!
Being the first person to hold your new babe: priceless. This babe is so cute — fresh and new and covered in vernix caseosa. According to Healthline, vernix caseosa, “is a protective layer on your baby’s skin. It appears as a white, cheese-like substance. This coating develops on the baby’s skin while in the womb. Traces of the substance may appear on skin after birth.” The practice used to be to wash this coating off when the baby was born, before wrapping him up and passing him to mom. But we now know that this coating has great benefits to babe.
What the hell happened, and where the hell am I?
Such a confusing moment for babies! One moment you are minding your own business cuddled and comfortable inside mama. And the next you hear loads of voices and then well, light. Birth photos don’t only need to capture vaginal births, but c-sections are important to document and normalize, too. This little cutie has the perfect first photo, you can see his cute chubby cheeks, arms, and oh all that hair. If the old wives tale about babies born with hair is true, chances are mama had to battle heartburn during her pregnancy. This baby’s first look is an incredible capture because you can pretty much guess what the babe is thinking.
Hell yeah, I freaking did it!
Mama, you raise that hand in triumph because you are amazing! If you’ve ever heard that labor and birth are like a marathon, that’s no exaggeration. According to VeryWellFamily, the average length of time between the first start of labor and when the baby is born varies. Several factors are at play including if it’s your first baby, your age and body shape, and how baby is positioned. Even with all that, they say the average length of time is, “generally experience 6-12 hours in the first stage of labor (from the time they are dilated four centimeters) with an average length of 7.7 hours. ” So yeah, mama — celebrate!
Technology: bringing families together everywhere.
That smile on papa’s face is killing me. The caption reads, “What a story! Daddy plays in the NFL and was at an Away Game when mama went into labor. He got to see his son just minutes before he went on the field.” Look at that smile if you zoom in on the phone!!” And that’s one of the best gifts of technology — being able to be present, even though you physically can’t be there. Several reasons exist for why a loved one might not be able to make it to the delivery — including parents separated for work and military duties. Technology is so amazing, and there is so much joy in this photo.
That face says it all!
When dad catches the baby, you just know his reaction is probably going to be amazing. We know that labor and birth is hard for the person who is physically doing it, but the whole process can be hard for the support person with you as well. Not because it’s actively draining, but there is something about seeing your person in pain and not being able to do a whole lot to make that better. Being and advocate and a cheerleader, and jumping in where and when you can help you feel like you’re helping. And this daddy catching his babe, and that look on his face, so much powerful love in there.
Every birth is beautiful.
It doesn’t matter how the baby gets here. Most importantly, it matters that they get here surrounded by love. Nationally, C-sections account for approximately 32 percent of all births, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2017. While organizations are working to lower that, it’s where it’s at right now, and these births are beautiful too. There is still so much power and emotion as you’re there waiting for your child to enter the world. There is a lot of anxiety and for people who like to feel in control, there’s a lot of not feeling in control happening in a c-section. These mamas are fierce.
These are the moments you’ll block out but want to remember.
Primal, powerful, real. Also, totally bad ass is everything in this photo. It is hard to put into words how much childbirth hurts or what it feels like. Obviously, everyone has their own pain tolerance, but pain of the labor cramps is really big. Some women describe the feeling as “it resembles menstrual cramps; for others, severe pressure; and for others, extremely strong waves that feel like diarrheal cramps,” according to Kid’s Health. It’s incredible how, once all that is over, we focus on the overwhelming feelings. There are ways you can help ease the pain, and water birth is one of the most popular for people laboring at home.
Pure bliss.
The quiet calm after the storm is one of the most magical moments. Going through childbirth is one of the most intense feelings. Your whole body worked hard in sync with your baby to help bring them safely into the world. All the muscles work in combination with each other, through intense pain, as nature takes over. Then your baby enters the world and this little person that you’ve talked to and felt move inside you, locks eyes with you. That calmness, the emotions, and flood of hormones is such a blissful moment. Nothing like it in the world, and you can see the love these two feel for each other.
Breathing it all in.
Skin-to-skin can happen in any and every delivery situation! Yes, even when you have a c-section, skin-to-skin is very healthy for mama and baby. According to FitPregnancy, benefits of skin-to-skin after birth include helping baby to adapt to the new environment, boosts baby’s mental awareness, and makes breastfeeding easier. “Newborns instinctively have a heightened sense of smell, so placing your baby skin-to-skin helps her seek out the nipple and begin breastfeeding,” Katie Dunning, R.N., clinical coordinator of labor and delivery at Mount Sinai Hospital told FitPregnancy. Studies have shown that on-going skin-to-skin leads to a stronger breastfeeding relationship, “on average, these moms breastfed three months longer than those who didn’t practice skin-to-skin care, says one study published in Neonatal Network.”
Entering the World!
Breathing, readying, waiting for the next wave and anticipation. Focused on breathing and bring the baby safety to the world. There is so much power in this photo and you can really see the power of a birthing person in this incredible image. There is so much in this process that is overtaken by nature — how our bodies just know what to do and in the moment of all that, how we can just surrender to the process. There are many different ways to labor and birth, the one where you’re on your back with your knees up is one that’s favored by doctors during delivery. But just always remember that this process is about you, too. Speak up and do what helps you and your child safely through this time.
Look at that little face!
Such a calm, ready soul making their debut. This photo not only highlights the incredibly adorable baby, but also those hands that help our babes enter the world. It’s not always necessary to have someone on hand — there are many who choose to birth at home with a midwife, or just a birth attendant. But for c-sections it’s incredible what an experienced, kind, and caring team can do to help you have the best birth for you. Some women are disappointed to learn a c-section is the recommended course, but you can have a safe, gentle, and calm c-section, too.
Because when you find your zen place, you go there and stay there.
This mama was the definition of serene during her home water birth. Strength doesn’t always look like anger, pain, or loudness. This woman, and many other parents who have birthed, are warriors, too. And sometimes that means a calm, collected person who is deep in the zone of listening to their body. Doing what they can to keep their senses calm and present. Knowing that soon this painful process will be over and the work that you and babe did to get there will be rewarded with kisses and cuddles. Being in the water can help ease the pain of the contractions and may say it’s a very beautiful labor this way (but yes, still painful).
So much love and support in one picture.
It really does take a village, right from the start. And labor and birth is no different. Let’s be honest, the process is scary. You’re likely in the most pain you’ve ever felt. You know what is at stake here — your baby’s health and yours, too. There is a primal feel about the whole thing and it’s overwhelming. That’s why there is something so calming and powerful about having another person there with you. Someone who has gone through this process before or someone who has seen this process several times brings that level of comfort. Someone to cheer you on and tell you that you’re doing a great job, and you and your baby are safe.
That is quite the entrance!
This stunning capture just blows my mind. Hello, baby! Water birth is a method many parents-to-be choose vs a medically traditional in the bed type of set up. “Midwives, birthing centers, and a growing number of obstetricians believe that reducing the stress of labor and delivery will reduce fetal complications,” according to American Pregnancy Organization. The theory behind a water birth is that not only does it help with pain management during contractions, but when baby is born into the water, it’s a more gentle transition from the amniotic fluid to their new environment through the water. This helps their stress levels to be lower and it’s thought that helps them regulate.
Supporting mama while she labors can mean so many things.
I want to believe he’s singing her favorite song because this is how you can be a support to your partner, when there’s no way to take over for them. They have to get through this, and it’s hard to see your loved one in so much pain. But, there are ways you can be involved and directly help to ensure they are having as calm of a labor and delivery as possible. This photo radiates peace — the mama’s calm face while sitting in a water birth tub. The partner in their bathing suit ready to jump in and support the mama-to-be and helping them to relax while playing calming music.
Hold her up while she holds it down.
Such power and grace in one photo. This photo is absolutely incredible, and so is this mama and their birthing team. It’s not often we get to see images of pregnant people in their element — not in a hospital room doing the protocol that the doctors are more comfortable with. This is a laboring person who is working with their body to help baby transition, not against gravity. Being down in the squat position, using the scarf to help stabilize, opens the hips and helps the baby descend, helping labor progress. It’s an amazing image, and so much power in it.
When the roles are reversed, and you catch your own baby!
This mama is a midwife, so we know she’s a master baby catcher. The caption of this photo reads, “She’s caught so many babies as a midwife…but I have no doubt that this ‘catch’ will be the one that forever stays etched on her heart.” There is so much love in this picture and so many helping hands it brings tears to our eyes. The four hands holding the baby, the hands supporting the mama, and the two on the side ready to jump in if needed. Emotional and powerful.
Not every family looks the same, but every family is built on love.
I’m not crying, you’re crying. OK, we’re probably all crying. This photo is all forms of beautiful — the smiles, the love, the baby breastfeeding, all that hair on the baby’s head. Oof so adorable. The caption of this photo reads, “The journey these mamas went on was far from easy to get to this moment but when they look down at their daughter they see the physical representation of their love, their intense support, their belief. This little girl is so blessed to have two mamas to teach her how to be brave, how to love greatly and how to unapologetically be herself.”
What an amazing moment for mom and big sibling!
Welcoming a new babe to the world, surrounded by your kiddos, has got to be just incredible. Another water birth photo that shows that this is a wonderful way to show your older kids the process and have them involved in welcoming their sibling into the world. Birth should be peaceful and celebrated as the natural thing that it is. So, when it’s safe to do so, having your baby at home brings a peace and calm feeling to many families. Being surrounded by your things and your people is calming when in a stressful situation. And even the most prepared mama will likely feel some stress.
So much love in one photograph.
Partners play such a crucial role in the delivery room. Delivery doesn’t have to be all scary and make the whole situation be super serious. And this photo proves it. Sometimes the best pain relief is distraction. This daddy to be got right into the birthing tub with his partner and is helping her along in her labor. Or he’s giving her a big “thank you” kiss after their baby was born. The caption reads, “We can’t think of a better way to end the day. Just gorgeous. ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜.” And we agree — this photo is gorgeous and so sweet.
You only get one chance to make a first impression.
Well hello there, papa! Look at how alert this gorgeous baby is with their big eyes. There is pretty much nothing quite like locking eyes with your child for the first time and this papa and babe are giving everyone the feels with this photo. The caption reads, “Dad Chris meeting his son for the very first time. Welcome little Silas! My first birth photo session, this little boy will always be ‘my first’.” You can’t see dad’s whole face because he’s got the mask on (we’re guessing this birth was a c-section), but you can see so much joy from his eyes.
The shock and awe on a new baby’s face will never get old.
It’s quite the journey for everyone involved! In this picture you can see the babe all covered in vernix again. That protective coating that’s on the baby’s skin while they’re in amniotic fluid. Some babies are born with a lot of it, others you can only see a trace left. According to Healthline, the amount you see on babe can be related to how early or late they were born. “The amount of vernix caseosa on your baby’s skin decreases the closer you get to your due date. It’s normal for full-term babies to have the substance on their skin,” the site says. Adding, “But if you deliver past your due date, your baby may have less of the coating. Premature babies tend to have more vernix caseosa than full-term babies.”
Babies everywhere!
This twin home birth involved the whole family, and it is amazing. There is so much love here it’s impossible to not smile at this picture. Mom, dad, and fresh baby cuddling and bonding, while their oldest child cuddles in too and gives mama a good job kiss. That’s why so many families are choosing to birth their babies at home, because you can capture moments like this and make the process and moments really special. And there is no doubt that this moment is special. This family is thrilled and pure joy radiates out.
When you went to sleep and woke up to a baby.
This new big sister’s face is absolutely hilarious. We’re not sure if she’s not too thrilled with the idea of being a big sister, if she’s still in shock from what she may have seen. Or if this is just a realization that yeah, there was a baby in there the whole time?! The caption of this photo reads, “Back in May I gave birth to baby number 3. We decided on a home birth for this one which was an excellent decision as I was in labour for a whopping 40 mins from start to finish. My husband delivered her on our bathroom floor. I had gone up to the bathroom because I thought she was a wee. Luckily the older 2 kids slept through it all and the midwives arrived 20 mins post delivery. This is my middle kid seeing her baby sister for the first time.”
Do you have any favorite birth photos from your own labor and delivery? Share it in the comments, we’d love to see it!
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(Image: Facebook / Birth Photography, One Tree Photography)