Can You Take Allergy Medication While Pregnant?
If you’re an allergy sufferer, you know how difficult it can be to manage your allergies! Whether you have seasonal allergies or are allergic to foods or animals, when you have a flare-up, it can be downright miserable. Millions and millions of people take regular allergy medication to deal with their allergies. But when you’re pregnant and have to closely monitor what kinds of medications you take, it can become an issue. Are you destined to suffer through allergy attacks during pregnancy? Or can you take allergy medication while pregnant?
Plenty of medications are off-limits during pregnancy. But if you rely on allergy medication to function, you’re probably concerned about whether it’s safe. So can you take allergy medication while pregnant? The good news: yes!
Many women will see their allergies improve or even disappear during pregnancy. But so many other continue to suffer through seasonal allergies, dander allergies, and more. Not to mention food allergies! While it’s easier to avoid your triggers when it comes to food, there’s still a chance you could be exposed and will need medication. Luckily for pregnant allergy sufferers everywhere, many allergy medications are safe to use throughout pregnancy.
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Which medications can you take to help with your allergies?
Oral antihistamines like Zyrtec and Claritin are approved for use during pregnancy. You can also take other antihistamines like Benadryl and Chlora-Trimeton. Some women may find relief from allergies with nasal sprays, which are generally fine during pregnancy. Saline sprays like Nasalcrom and even steroid sprays like Rhinocort are safe to use. Decongestant nasal sprays like Afrin may help with allergies, but should be used with caution during pregnancy. These work by constricting blood flow to the sinuses, and it’s now believed that they can be absorbed systemically. If you do use one, don’t use it for more than three days.
If you’d rather not take medication, there are other ways you might be able to manage your allergies.
The best defense against allergies is avoiding your triggers. If you’re allergic to dander, try to stay away from pets so you don’t trigger an attack. You can’t control what happens outside, but keep your windows closed in the early morning and early evening hours, when the pollen count is at its highest. Wear a mask to dust or vacuum around the house, and get an air purifier for your bedroom. You may also want to consider getting a dehumidifier, as keeping your home under 50% humidity can help protect you against dust and mite allergies.
Can you take allergy medication while pregnant? Yes, but talk to your doctor before beginning any sort of medication. And if you can, reduce your exposure to triggers, so you can lessen your dependence on your medication.
(Image: iStock / AntonioGuillem)