‘Digital Detox’ Camp For Adults – Has It Really Come To This?

shutterstock_81532528__1369478744_142.196.156.251There’s a new trend in vacationing for adults – digital detox packages. There’s even the first summer camp dedicated to “digital detox” happening this summer – Camp Grounded – for adults who need to disconnect. I’m not saying this isn’t a great idea. I’m just saying – has it really come to this?

Where grown-ups go to unplug, getaway and be kids again.
200 lucky campers will take over this nostalgic 1970’s boy scouts camp to celebrate what it means to be alive.

Trade in your computer, cell phone, Instagrams, clocks, schedules and work-jargon for an off-the-grid weekend of pure unadulterated fun.

There is an obvious solution to unplugging on vacation – leave your phone at home. Don’t bring your computer, iPad, or any other assorted piece of technology that hogs all of your attention. But since that is too hard for most of us to do on our own, someone thought of the idea of charging adults $350 for a weekend at an old Boy Scout’s Camp, sans technology. I never think of these things first. Why can’t I ever think of these things first?

So instead of just packing up our friends and family and collectively deciding not to charge our phones for the weekend, we’re paying someone to lock them up for us. Well, whatever it takes to get the job done. I think unplugging for a few days would do us all a world of good.

Is it just me, or has technology turned us into a bunch of self-important jerks? Most of us wouldn’t dream of leaving the house without our phones – and it’s not because we are surgeons. In fact, I don’t know a single person that actually needs to be connected at all times – but all of my friends are. I’m not pointing fingers here – I’m totally guilty of this, too. The minute I became a parent I felt excused for having my phone accessible at all times. What if my baby needs me? As if my mother didn’t manage to raise five children without a direct line to us, at all times. As if I would actually be any real help in an “emergency.” If there were ever a real emergency with my child, I’m pretty sure I’d want someone to call 911, not me. Actually, make that definitely. I’m definitely sure I’d want someone to call 911.

So although I think it’s a depressing sign of the times that we need to pay someone to lock up our phones so we can enjoy a weekend free from technology, I actually think it’s a great idea.

(photo: Philip Lange/ Shutterstock)

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