Call Me Crazy, But I Don’t Want My Daughter Reading Kendall & Kylie Jenner’s YA Novel
Just in case you weren’t completely exhausted by the Kardashian-Jenner clan yet, amazing momager Kris Jenner seems to have found another avenue by which to exploit her children. This time, she’s moving into the world of young adult fiction with her two youngest daughters, Kendall and Kylie.
The younger sisters of Kourtney, Kim and Khloe announced their new project today to E! Online. Though the book isn’t finished yet, they have revealed that it’ll take place 200 years in the future. They’re working with author Maya Sloane and hope to create a popular series, in the vein of Twilight and The Hunger Games. Unsurprisingly, the story will follow two sisters. And even less surprising, the project has already been picked up by publishing house Simon & Schuster.
It would be easy as a writer to say, really? The Jenner girls need a novel? With all the talented authors out there, we’re going to give a book deal to the Jenner girls? That would be the easy criticism to make. And plenty are going to do so. (Even more writers are simply going to open up a bottle of wine. I’m with you guys.)
But aside from the obvious writer envy, I have another issue with this new Kardashian-brand product. I would never want my young daughter to read something that was created by this family.
At a young age, I was an avid reader. I could curl up with a YA series and read straight through a weekend to finish it. From the moment I got pregnant, I knew that I wanted to pass that love of reading on to my daughter. I started doing my nightly reading out loud to my stomach by the second trimester. Now, my daughter and I sit down with approximately three picture books and a chapter out of our ongoing project every evening. I’ve always assumed that I wouldn’t censor anything my daughter wanted to explore.
But YA fiction from the Jenners? A book for teens from the family that seems to value appearance and image over everything? I just don’t think I could deal with that. I can’t imagine that they would create a piece of literature that I would feel comfortable with her reading.
There is so much amazing writing out there. There are thousands of books that make teens think and get creative. The teenage years are the perfect time to dive into the classics and acquaint yourself with amazing authors who will inspire you later in life. There are too many wonderful books out there for anyone to waste their time with a novel by the Jenner girls.
Maybe I’m being too harsh. (I’m definitely being too harsh.) But this is one book that will never make it’s way into our nightly rotation.
(Photo: FayesVision/WENN)