Mustache-Twirling Villains Fire Lunch Lady For Not Letting A Six-Year-Old Go Hungry
(Related: Fox & Friends Think Immigrant Kids Should Go Hungry At School So Your Kid Can Play Football)
According to Take Part, Della Curry, the former kitchen manager of the Dakota Valley Elementary School, found herself standing in front of a crying first-grader who was in tears because she did not have money for lunch. Considering that Curry had a functioning heart and also trays and trays of hot food, she did what any right-thinking human being would do and gave the girl some food. There was plenty of food, after all, and what kind of an actual cartoon villain would allow a first-grader to go hungry?
So Curry gave the girl food and says she was fired for it last Friday.
”I had a first grader in front of me, crying, because she doesn’t have enough money for lunch. Yes, I gave her lunch,” Curry said.
According to CBS, the school district gives free lunches to students who qualify. A family of four would have to make below $31,000 a year to qualify in the Denver suburb. A family of four that made below $45,000 could quality for reduced-price lunches. Curry says there are a number of children whose families make too much to qualify for the program but still don’t have enough money for food, so she has taken to feeding some children when they are hungry, often out of her own pocket.
”Kids whose parents make too much money to qualify, but a lot of times they don’t have enough money to eat,” she said.
The district policy is reportedly that children who do not qualify for the free lunch program but do not have money for food should be given a cheese sandwich — one slice of cheese on a hamburger bun — and a carton of milk. Curry thought that was ridiculous, especially when she was standing in front of trays full of hot food and healthful fruits and vegetables. The slice of cheese and hamburger bun leaves many children still hungry, and hungry children cannot concentrate in math class.
Curry says she knows she violated policy and she is glad she did it and would do it again, especially since it is getting attention for the fact that there are children going hungry in the school district.
”If me getting fired for it is one way that we can try to change this, I’ll take it in a heartbeat,” she said.
Curry was right to feed those children, and feeding hungry children should not be an act of civil disobedience. It is unconscionable that there are children going hungry in the U.S. and that school districts are allowing that to happen. A Denver school should not look like the orphanage from Oliver Twist.
(Photo: Reddit)