The Bumbo Seat Was A Death Trap But It Rocked My Socks
I freaking loved the Bumbo seat. Or I did, back before it became a death trap and Bumbo recalled millions of them. Apparently some bright lights decided it was totally okay to use them on raised surfaces, and fucking car seats, and kids got hurt. Why anyone would think it’s okay to leave an infant unattended on a table or use this obviously-not-meant-for-vehicles product as a car seat is beyond me, but that’s besides the point. I loved my Bumbo and now it’s gone. I haz a sad.
The Bumbo was just perfect. For those of you who live under a bridge like a troll and are therefore unaware of this amazing product, the Bumbo was a magical piece of molded foam just the right size for your baby’s butt. The oldest models had no strap, if I remember correctly, which was fine with me because my oldest fit just right and I like to live dangerously. I used that bad boy for just about everything. Eating, playtime, epic peek-a-boo sessions that lasted well into the night. It was a wonderful time to be alive.
But alas, the recall happened. First in 2007 (I think that’s when they added the strap), and then again in August of 2012. Thankfully all three of my kids managed to survive the Bumbo intact, and were well past that stage when the second recall happened, but I imagine my life would have become listless and sad without my little foam buddy keeping my kid’s arses warm and cozy. And I’m not the only one who feels this way:
Honestly, if my kids were still Bumbo age I would probably use the hell out of it, recall be damned. And I’m talking about the current version (pictured above), but the original one. As long as you use it correctly (ya know, read the directions, don’t leave you infant unattended, don’t use it as a fucking CAR SEAT, etc.), your kid should be fine, so why let a few common sense-lacking asshats ruin it for the rest of us? Long live the Bumbo, thank you for being awesome.
(Photo: Target)