Evening Feeding: Bruce Jenner Is Not Happy With How Kris Raised Daughters Kylie And Kendall
Bruce Jenner doesn’t like how Kris raises Kylie and Kendall –Ok! Magazine
This story about a toddler and a mother at Walmart is too tragic –Newser
6 movie myths about sex that are just totally wrong –The Frisky
The parents of those viral quadruplet ultrasounds gave birth –Mommyish
This guy deserves an awards for pulling off a surprise wedding –The Gloss
So you ate too much over the holidays. Now what? –Blisstree
Nasim Pedrad reprised her Arianna Huffington impression, and it’s great –Crushable
How to tackle the awkward condom/STD convo with your new man –The Frisky
Photo: WENN