This Woman Breastfeeds While Pole-Dancing, and It Is The Most Impressive Thing You’ll See All Day

pole-dancing-breastfeedingI used to consider it a pretty impressive feat of multitasking and athleticism if I managed to breastfeed my baby and use the computer at the same time, without spraying milk all over the screen and keyboard. (LOL. I’m just kidding, I never managed that.) So today I could do nothing but sit with my mouth agape and slow-clap when I saw this amazing video of attachment parent, yogi, and pole-dancing enthusiast Ashley Wright from Ms. Wright’s Way combining all those things and doing yoga on a pole while her baby happily nurses from a wrap. The whole video is posted to her Facebook page here.


Taking control of the elements… Ascending above it all like… #ifbuddhawasapoledacingbabywearingbreastfeedinggoddess #mswrightsway #goddess #poledancingmom #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfeedingtoddler #attachmentparenting #idothis #keepspace #naturalparenting #babywearing #blackgirlmajic

Posted by Ms. Wrights Way on Sunday, January 10, 2016

I’m utterly amazed that she can even physically do that. She climbs the pole and gently circles it one-handed, with just an elbow and knee around the pole. I don’t think I’ve been this impressed by a feat of athleticism since I last saw Cirque du Soleil.

When I was younger and flexible and in very good shape, I tried pole dancing. It is really, really, really hard. I had special grippy gel to make my hands stick to the pole better, and I still spent the entire time looking like Anne Shirley clinging to the bridge after her boat sank in the river, wet, sweaty hair and all. Wright, however, looks relaxed and serene, as though this were not an extremely difficult feat of physical prowess. The only person who looks more relaxed than Wright is the baby, who just hangs out and swings around, happy as a clam.

I have no idea what it must feel like to be able to do that, but I imagine it’s pretty cool. If it were me, I’d be sitting in the coffee shop or the bank, just going about my day and feeling happy in the knowledge that I could float in mid-air like magic.

This is inspiring me to work out a bit. I don’t think this sort of thing is every in my range of possibilities, but maybe doing some stretches wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

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