Check Hell For Little Icicles Because Boy Scouts Is Actually Planning To End Their Gay Ban
It sure took Boys Scouts long enough, but apparently they’re doing it. After a two-year review of the organization’s gay ban, which resulted in sticking to the policy, then briefly considering maybe reversing it, but then doubling down, Boy Scouts is actually set to yank down their anti-gay member policy. Be sure to check your neighboring skies for flying pigs too.
Reuters reports that Boy Scouts is slated to “end a long-standing ban on openly gay members,” according to a spokesperson. The organization will officially vote in May, but if most hands show up as “yay” — as people suspect — then this is nothing short of historic. But don’t get too happy because BSA is reportedly only going to allow queer kiddies. They have every intention of continuing to exclude gay adults.
Deron Smith, the spokesman who delivered the good news, says that Boy Scouts has decided to reverse their decision after reviewing three months of “research, surveys. and discussion.” Which I can only assume includes their various “what if” surveys to parents, volunteers, and alumni about whatever tent so and so is sleeping in. You know, VERY IMPORTANT STUFF.
Smith describes the organization’s wrestling and toiling with the big scary Gay issue as “among the most complex and challenging issues facing the BSA and society today.”
Really, now? I certainly hope the BSA includes their well-documented history of child sex abuse in that list of “challenging issues.”
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(photo: spirit of america /