Mom Crafts Epically Witty ‘Finding Nemo’ Blizzard Text
The blizzard Nemo is upon us on the east coast. Time to dig up all those Hurricane Sandy tips and tricks for keeping small children entertained and compliant. Don’t forget to read up on the five stages of kid stir crazy, remember to call Cory Booker should you have any newborns who need rescuing, and get ready to revisit the possibility of parenting without power.
Like many east coasters, I’ve been fielding an array of text messages from my concerned family — starting this morning, when my father asked if I had stocked up on food for my cat and charged the fancy additional cellphone battery he had given me for Christmas. Yes, Daddy. Got this adult thing on lockdown, thank you. But as witty as my family can be, they sadly don’t have anything on the mom who texted this jewel this afternoon, according to BuzzFeed.
GOOD ONE, lady.
Let it be known that mom humor transcends all historic storms, snowpocalypses, and epic down pours. I’ll still be cackling about this one later after the cat and I are buried behind an estimated two feet of snow.
(Feel free to replicate and send to all your semi-grown, text-savvy children. Now)
(photo: / Twitter)