Blake Lively Wants 30 Kids & Other Delusions I Shared Before The Birth Of My First Child
Newlywed Blake Lively is over the moon in her life and her relationship with Ryan Reynolds. When asked about family plans, Lively did not let on that her super secret Southern wedding was already in the works, but she did talk about kids. She reveals in October’s issue of Allure that she has “always wanted a big family. Oh, I’d love 30 [children] if I could.” Excuse me for a moment while I rain on this utopia.
From a young age, I wanted a big family as well. When my husband and I were first married we agreed on a less ambitious family of six.
Then we had one child.
We quickly learned how much work and worry comes with parenting. You want to do everything “right” (as if that exists), you educate yourself on various parenting styles, you prepare for the birth of your dreams. It’s one thing to “know” but it’s another to experience first hand the nitty-gritty that comes with being mommy or daddy 24/7. Infants are overwhelming, especially for first-time parents. After the first born reached manageable proportions, we made the decision to stop at two.
Lively, on the other hand, has the right attitude to handle 30 children. She says she works hard to stay positive, explaining “it’s the choice that you have to wake up every day and say, ‘There’s no reason today can’t be the best day of my life.’ ”
I have a deep affinity for yoga and meditation so this type of zen concept is not new to me. However, my experience as a mother has informed me that most days require some departure from the “best day of my life” moniker.
Like when you wake up in a wet pile of your own breast milk to a screaming child making himself red in the face while you yank his soiled onesie up over his head, strip the diaper from his behind and try to wash the poopy from his neck after prying the poop caked lovey from his hands. Those days, maybe, I wake up and say, “there’s no reason today can’t be something better than the worst day of my life,” and that’s when I decide changing his sheet can wait for Daddy.
(photo: Stefan Jeremiah/