Facebook Bans Birth Video for Violating ‘Community Standards’
Giving birth is completely natural, and while it might not be the most graceful time in a mother’s life, it is certainly the most beautiful. Birth video and photography has gained in popularity, as people want to document these moments. However, it seems that some people want the beauty of childbirth hidden away.
Birth photographer Monet Nicole Moutrie has been capturing the moment a woman becomes a mother for years.
From labor pains and cesarean sections, to water births and breast feeding, Monet has complied some of the most touching moments she has captured into a tear-jerking video. In honor of Mother’s Day, Moutrie posted the birth video, ”Birth Becomes Her,” to Facebook.
However, seven months later, Facebook removed the video and blocked Monet for ”violating community standards.” According to CafeMom, the social media site claims that it removes photos and videos that show genitalia, fully exposed butts, and breasts showing nipples. The only problem, Monet’s video doesn’t show any of that, just the beauty of birth which, at time, can be a bit gross.
After watching the video, I am calling bullshit on Facebook. There is nothing in this video that violates the ”community standards.”
Monet took to her blog to express her opinions on the banning of her video. She is ”saddened and quite honestly scared that the important work we’re doing will be stifled and hidden behind false statements like ”˜community.’” Mourtie knows for a fact that videos like ”˜Birth Becomes Her’ are important. Real birth images are hidden in ”dark corners and places,” they aren’t images people want to see on their social feeds. However, for women who don’t have access to proper education, these videos are informational.
”I have young women who message me and say they no longer feel as scared anymore,” Monet said in her blog. ”Seeing real images of women giving birth provides countless people with knowledge, courage, and hope.”
”And yet you are coming closer and closer to removing this LIFE-GIVING gift,” she continued. ”Your platform can do so much good in this world”¦”
Watch the video above and judge for yourself. Whether or not you want to see the ”gross” parts of life on your feed, all humans are born from real women. All humans went through childbirth, in one form or another. It is a part of life, and ”LIFE should never be against your community standards,” according to Monet.
Also read: 25 Powerful and Raw Photos That Prove How Amazing Birth and the Vagina Really Is
(Image: Vimeo / Monet Nicole)