It’s Too Late For Everyone To Concern-Troll Beyonce About How Much Weight She Gained During Pregnancy!
Beyonce seems to have this baby sharing timeline right. While it may seem a little backwards in celebrity mommy land to have a baby and then get giddy with your fans about it over a year, the usually private Grammy winner is sharing lots of intimate details with the debut of “Life Is But A Dream.” Other details from her miscarriage to her marriage to how much weight she gained while pregnant with Blue Ivy also continue to surface. And Beyonce proves to be rather savvy in waiting to reveal that number on the scale until now.
Daily Mail reports that Beyonce “made the shock revelation to Oprah,” that she gained nearly 60 pounds while pregnant — which strays from the standard recommended 25-35 pounds. While the only people who need to be making a fuss about women and their pregnancy weight are their own personal doctors, we all know that doesn’t stop lips from smacking about how “fat” Kim Kardashian is and constant busybodying over bodysnarking favorite Jessica Simpson.
The Daily Mail stumbles all over themselves positing why they didn’t bother haranguing Beyonce for getting too chunky:
The guidelines for pregnancy weight gain are issued by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), most recently in May 2009, they suggested that f your pre-pregnancy weight was in the healthy range for your height (a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9), you should gain between 25 and 35 pounds.
This would mean that Beyonce, doubled the amount – and yet she never looked that big.
A missed opportunity, Daily Fail! How you will live in regret! But as much as publications will no doubt be running rather obligatory gasps about how Beyonce “doubled the amount” of recommended pregnancy weight, it’s just a year too late for that classic brand of concern-trolling that so often marks celebrity pregnancies. Blue Ivy is here, everyone loves her, and frankly nobody cares about how Beyonce looked in some dress a year ago. Win!
(photo: PNP/