The 12 Funniest Parents On Twitter: Get Ready To Wet Yourself
Also, it will give you the perfect opportunity to use all of those hashtags you have up your sleeve.
If you’re having a great day? #perfectday
If you’re feeling really happy and smug about your life? #blessed
If your kid is driving you fucking bananas and you can’t wait till bedtime? #momlife
Now that I’ve schooled you on everything you need to know about using the Twitter, it’s time to get your mouse-clicking finger ready and create yourself an account. Once you have an account, you’ll be scratching your head and wondering what to do with yourself. I’m here for you. I’ve compiled an all-inclusive list of HA-larious Twitter parents that will have you giggling into your smartphone in the wee hours of the morning when you can’t go back to sleep after your precious baby will woke you up for the fourth time that night. #damnbaby
Once you’ve studied under these ultra-funny Twitter parents, you can start to write your own tweets and gather your own following of sleep-deprived parents in need of a good laugh. Soon, you will take over the world.
In no particular order”¦ The best parents of Twitter:
1. Honest Toddler ”@HonestToddler
3. Amy Flory ”@FunnyIsFamily
12. kelly oxford @kellyoxford
(photo: Getty Images)