Every Cliche About Single Parents Is True – They’re Superheroes
If you can afford a nanny to help you out whenever you have the desire to leave your home alone – you’re in luck. Or if you have family who is always around when you need them – you are too. But if you are a single mom or dad who isn’t rolling in money, you give up pretty much all your freedom when you become a parent. How do you do it?
I’m not a single parent, but I’m playing one for months on end this year while my husband is away working. We’re both freelancers – I’m a writer and photographer and he is an actor/performer. Most of his work is based out of New York. We relocated to Florida last year, which means I occasionally spend long stretches of time caring for the kids alone. It sucks so bad.
I always knew I wanted kids – but I was never the girl who fantasized about getting married. Before I met the father of my children, I often thought that if I didn’t meet a man I loved who wanted kids I would just go ahead and do it myself. Having been in the situation now where I care for the kids alone for long stretches, if anyone asked me for advice about going it alone – I would have to be honest:
Yes, you should do this. But only if you don’t require sleep, have no interest in personal freedom whatsoever and don’t mind putting someone else’s needs before your own 24 hours a day for the next several years. Are you cool with that? Then yes – you should be a single parent.
My mother was essentially a single mother – my dad left when I was 12. But at that point I was able to care for myself. I could be left alone. Small children? I’m not quite sure how single mothers and fathers do it. I can tell you that all of those cliches about how amazing they are are 100% true.
If you are a single parent – how do you do it? How do you not go completely crazy? Is the no time or sleep just something you eventually get used to? I know kids are worth it – mine are incredible and I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m just finally realizing for the first time what a completely different task parenting is when you are doing it alone – so for those of you who do –
you are amazing.
(photo: Maxim Maksutov/ shutterstock)