10 Ways Love Actually Perfectly Captures Being A Mom During The Holidays
While full of fun and excitement, the holidays can also be stressful. There’s a million things to accomplish and with so much happening, it’s practically given that not everything will go off according to plan. I like to unwind during this season with some cookies and by watching Love Actually. While most know this movie as a romantic comedy, I love it because I feel like moments in it perfectly capture how I feel as a mom during the holidays.
1. There’s a typo on your Christmas card.
You spent hours finding a photo where no one had a weird smile, choosing the perfect font and licking all those envelopes. And not once did you notice that you wished everyone a “Hapy New Year!”
2. You realize you forgot to shop for your cousin’s Secret Santa gift as she is handing you a present.
You were so happy to draw her from the basket of names because you’re still working on repairing the damage over the 4th of July jello mold incident.You’re frantically trying to remember if there’s a sealed bottle of lotion or unlit candle anywhere in your house while knowing deep down that she will never let you live this down. So much for burying the hatchet.
3. Unexpected guests drop by.
Don’t you love it when your wayward brother shows on your doorstep without warning bearing noisy toys for the kids and a request for a loan that he won’t pay back? Or when your mother-in-law drops by because she was out shopping in the neighborhood and the house is a complete disaster. ‘Tis the season!
4. You can’t remember where you hid the bag of stocking stuffers.
They aren’t in your closet, trunk, garage, attic, basement or under your bed. Look on the bright side- if you can’t find them, it means the kids can’t either.
5. You run out of tape on Christmas Eve night.
Do we have any stickers? What about a glue stick? What does Google say to do? Is it too late to call my mom? Do you think the kids will believe us if we tell them Santa’s gone green?
6. Your sister makes a comment about your Christmas cookie intake.
You aunt made your favorite peanut butter blossoms with the Hershey’s Kisses on top, and since you only see these once a year, you’ve decided to indulge. Just then your sister walks by and sees fit to comment. You’d love to respond, but it’s rude to talk with your mouth full.
7. Your kids spill punch on their Christmas outfits.
You spent hours on Pinterest looking for inspiration for the perfect family ensembles. Turns out those matching off-white sweaters were a bad, bad call.
8. Guests compliment your cooking.
You’ll try to brush it off as though cooking a meal for 15 is no big deal, but inside you are beaming from all the praise and really touched that people appreciate your hard work.
9. There’s wine.
One of the biggest perks to being hostess is that people will come to your door bearing gifts of alcohol. The other is not having to worry about being the designated driver.
10. Your husband got you what you asked for.
The only thing better than a surprise is getting exactly what you want most. And he never would have known what size shoe you were if you hadn’t send him the email link to you Zappos.com shopping cart.
(feature image: Burlingham/Shutterstock.com)