Adorable Video Of Twins In A ‘Baby Spa’ Will Give You Baby Fever

It’s official. I’ve found the cutest thing on the internet. Sorry LOL cats, you’ve been de-throned. The video below shows a set of newborn twins holding on to each other for dear life as they’re being bathed in a specially designed “baby spa.” This video is so cute it makes puppies look like three day old bologna.
Of course the video went viral, as videos of ridiculously cute babies are wont to do. Since it was uploaded on November 8th it’s been viewed over six million times. The video was released by midwife Sonia Rochel, to showcase her invention, the “Thalasso Baby Spa” which is said to replicate the feeling of the womb for newborns.
This baby spa thing sounds amazing. I wish I had an adult-sized one in my house. According to Rochel, she came up with the idea after taking a shower and realizing how great it felt to have water on her face. Um, I have the realization every single morning. Where is my million dollar idea?
Rochel went on to say, in an interview on Today, that “The babies’ amazing response to the water is always beautiful to see,” which I think is obvious, but oh so true. Now please excuse me while I go deal with my impending baby-fever.