13 Baby Products You Can Still Use Long After the Baby Stage
Babies require a lot of stuff when they’re little ”” and they outgrow most of it so fast it’s impossible to use it all. Luckily, many baby products have uses beyond the baby years. Grab your kids’ leftovers and prepare to get more bang for your buck with these 13 baby products you can still use as an adult.
1. Pedialyte
The drink parents give to their sick babies has been touted as a hangover cure thanks to its 60 MilliEQuivalents Per Liter of electrolytes.
2. Lanolin
There are lots of different uses for Lanolin when you’re done breastfeeding. It makes a fantastic balm for chapped lips and noses, and can soothe skin that’s peeling from a sunburn.
3. Baby wipes
Baby wipes can double as makeup removal wipes. They’re also great for dusting and getting stains off of walls, carpets, and even clothing.
4. Baby powder
It’s a pretty well-known hack at this point, but baby powder is great for getting the sand off of bodies after a long day at the beach.
5. Baby oil
Baby oil can stand in for shaving cream, help detangle a knotted necklace, and even silence a squeaky hinge.
6. Petroleum jelly
Petroleum jelly does a great job preventing diaper rash, but also can shine patent-leather shoes, get water marks off of wood, and fight ants.
7. Diapers
Unused diapers can be repurposed into flood control bags, soil conditioner, and even antiperspirant and deodorant wipes.
8. Diaper rash cream
Razor burn is no match for diaper rash cream, and can calm down an angry pimple.
9. Baby shampoo
The stuff you used to clean your baby’s hair is also gentle enough to wash your delicates.
10. Sunscreen
A baby’s sunscreen is great for anyone who has sensitive skin, thanks to its lack of added ingredients like perfume.
11. Gripe water
Gripe water has been helping soothe babies’ upset stomachs for years. Adults can use the supplement to treat bowel irregularity and reflux.
12. Baby lotion
If you’re someone who gets awful, itchy skin in the winter, reach for the unscented baby lotion and start to heal.
13. Bottles and sippy cups
If you can’t bear to toss your kid’s old bottles and sippy cups, keep them around and use them as measuring cups or snack containers.
Also read:
- 13 Things We’re Told We Need for a Baby That Are Flat Out Lies
- 10 Baby Products That Seem Cool But Are Actually Pointless
- The CDC Updated Its Guidelines on How to Clean a Breast Pump, and It’s Very Important!
What are some baby products you use? Let us know in the comments!
(Image: iStock / YelenaYemchuk)