Baby Born in Back Seat of Uber Gets a Sweet Onesie and a Very Unique Name Out of the Ordeal
According to The Times of India, the young mother from Delhi was reportedly with two friends when she went into labor, and they tried to call an ambulance to come help her to the hospital. When they could not get an ambulance to come to them in time, they turned to Uber.
Uber driver Shahnavaz Khan was stunned by the scene when he arrived, and suggested that the women call an ambulance instead so the professionals could deal with the situation. When the women explained that they couldn’t get an ambulance and he was their only hope, Khan stepped up. He made room for all three women, loaded the back seat with towels, scooped the laboring woman into it, and drove off towards the hospital as quickly as he could.
Unfortunately, traffic was rough that day, and the baby boy was born before they ever reached the hospital. Khan had to pull over, and he and the woman’s friends delivered the baby right there in the car. Afterwards, Khan rushed the group the rest of the way to the hospital.
In spite of the unconventional delivery location, the baby boy was born safe and healthy, though, and the mother was so grateful that she asked Khan to come to the baptism and choose the baby’s name. The name Khan chose is ”Uber,” after the company he works for.
Uber is a pretty unconventional baby name, but not unheard of. It’s the German word for ”strong,” “above” or “over,” and according to SheKnows is also a Spanish variant of the name Hubert. Given the number of babies being born in Uber cars in recent months, Uber will probably not remain a unique baby name for very long.
Babies have been being born in Uber cars pretty regularly in recent months. It happens often enough that the company even has a standing policy to deal with the situation. Any baby born in an Uber gets a free Uber onesie, which the company produces especially for babies born in its cars. A driver whose car hosts the miracle of birth receives tickets to a sporting event as a reward, and the company pays to have the car professionally cleaned.
Of course, Khan really went above and beyond the call of duty this time, because most drivers don’t also convince the mothers to name their new babies after the company, so one would hope Khan would get a little something extra for the experience.