Nice Try, But Your Baby Doesn’t Need An Easter Basket
I am not a total Easter Grinch, I swear. I’m actually excited about the holiday this year because my toddler is two. Last year, we celebrated Easter with family as usual, but we didn’t get my then one-year-old son anything or do an Easter egg hunt because he had no clue what was going on. It was pretty clear that any Easter festivities in years past would have been more for us than him.
There’s nothing wrong with celebrating Easter vicariously through your baby who sits like a little blob next to his Easter basket. But a year ago, I just didn’t feel like it. I wanted to wait until my son figured out what was going on before I got all Pinterest-crazy on his ass and made the most epic toddler Easter basket known to man. (As a note, I have yet to meet this epic Easter basket standard””my toddler’s first Easter basket this year is very, very average. Go, me.)
So this Easter, I have a toddler and an 11-month-old baby. Some may call me heartless””but I put together a pretty cute, albeit average, Easter basket for my toddler, and I even got him special eggs decorated as footballs to use in an Easter egg hunt. I didn’t get his brother anything. Because he is a baby, and he has no idea what’s going on.
I had this same philosophy toward Christmas presents for my baby last year. Just a few months ago, my youngest son was about seven months old on Christmas. He definitely didn’t need anything because of the gifts that had been given to him and a massive quantity of hand-me-downs from his older brother. I got him a sippy cup and a few stupid baby toys, and that was that. (BTW, he appeared to have an amazing Christmas for a baby.)
It’s pretty clear that a baby doesn’t need an Easter basket. It’s fun to make Easter baskets and celebrate the holidays with young children, I’ll give you that. I’m really looking forward to preparing for Easter this year and doing a very disorganized Easter egg hunt with my two year old. My youngest son can participate if he wants, though he’ll probably just suck on a plastic egg and watch from the sidelines. He can wait to enjoy his first Easter basket next year.