Awesome 80s Toys Your Kids Will Never Play With
Kids these days love to play with Lego kits and Bratz dolls, and their video games have technology that blow our classic Nintendo games out of the water. But as cool as the Rainbow Loom is, toys from the 90s will always be the best. Your kids will never understand just how awesome these toys from your childhood were.
1. Color Forms
No characters, no sounds or lights, no instructions. Just reusable pieces of vinyl that never got boring. I know what I’m asking for for Christmas.
2. Shrinky Dinks
I spent entire afternoons coloring, cutting and baking, and then just sitting in front of the oven peering in to see these pieces of paper get smaller. I have no recollection what you were supposed to do with them once they were done baking, and I’m sure heating up markers like that created all sorts of chemicals in the air that we shouldn’t have been breathing, but they were still really cool. They still make versions of shrinky dinks, but they work more like craft kits.
3. Hit Stix 2
A box clipped to your belt that made thudding noises when you tapped two sticks together was all the technology we needed.
4. Skip it
You could always tell who the cool girls in class where by looking for the telltale SkipIt bruises on their ankle bones. Most kids worked to get that counter up to the magical 999, but I used to pride myself on being able to sing the entire jingle before inevitably whacking myself in the foot.
5. Flipsiders
Our children will never know what it’s like to try and keep busy during take a long car trip without screening a movie. Nor will they know what a cassette tape is.
6. Pogo Ball
The commercials made this you seem way cooler than it actually was because it was pretty much impossible to take more than three hops without falling on your face. I still wanted one though. Apparently they sell something similar as an exercise balance ball, but it’s just not as fun without the solar system on the platform.
7. Troll dolls
These dolls had absolutely no point and their hair could not be contained, but we all begged our parents for them anyway.
8. Kid Sister Doll
We all wanted this glorified version of a Cabbage Patch doll, as well as the male version, My Buddy– that is until our older cousin who let us watch scary movies when she babysat screened Chuckie.
9. Balzac
Even as children we were smart enough to recognize that the commercial was annoying, but we all wanted this giant balloon covered in fabric.
10. Lite Brite
Lite Brite was a genius toy from a parent’s point of view because it was quiet, and you only made the mistake of not picking up all those foot puncturing colored pegs once before you learned to clean up after yourself. The paper sheets were delicate, so you learned to be careful because your mom was never going to buy you the refill pack. They do still make versions of the Lite Brite, but for some reason the screen is smaller and they unnecessarily come in gender specific colors. They also make a Lite Brite app for Apple products, but be warned that downloading said app may cause you to lose all productivity for the rest of the day.