15 April Fools’ Day Pranks to Play If You Kind of Hate Your Kids
I have never been able to get on board with April Fools because I always feel so bad for the person who is being pranked. Maybe I’m a softie or missing the point altogether, but I cringe with embarrassment whenever I see a YouTube video of someone who is tricked into believing their parents have died or the person who walks around with a silly sign on their back all day long (I EAT BOOGERS).
But now that I have kids, I’m trying to get into the holiday spirit. April Fools’ Day is a holiday. Happy April Fools, everyone! My kids are way too young to understand the art of a well-executed prank, but I’m keeping this list in my back pocket for later. I promise you that these pranks are kid-friendly and (mostly) not cruel in the least.
You can celebrate this holiday as a jovial prankster with 15 awesome tricks that your kids are bound to love. BONUS: If your kids have been driving you mad, you can release some pent-up aggression by playing tricks on them in the spirit of celebration. Everybody wins.
1. Wacky Blue Milk For Breakfast.
2. Frozen Cereal = Priceless Photo Op.
3. Pair #2 With A Refreshing Glass Of Jell-O Juice.
4. How Bout A Fake, Healthy Egg For Breakfast?
5. The Ole Mustard In The Toothpaste Trick.
10. Hallway Full Of Balloons.
13. The Toilet Paper In The Shoe, You’ve Gotten So Big Trick.
14. Rigged Party Popper On The Door = April Fools’ Heart Attack.
15. Way Too Realistic Fake Roach On The Sandwich Gag.
NOTE: I am morally opposed to #11 and #15 because it makes me sads and mads to think of kids getting their hopes dashed when the doughnut tree never grows and getting scared by a really nasty plastic cockroach, respectively. But prank away, parents, prank away!
(Image: Pinterest, vasylshepella/Shutterstock)