12 Epic Anti-Vax Comments You See On Every Vaccine Story

I’m not sure if some anti-vax online communities have Google alerts turned on or what, but sometimes a few anti-vaxxers will descend on a story about vaccines and take over the comments section with nonsense and factzâ„¢. Sometimes they just respectfully disagree – but usually they spew a bunch of vitriol and nonsense. Here are a few of the latter examples, illustrated with the faces you’ll be making after you read them.


1. Vaccines cause disease, will quote creator of vaccine now.

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I love, love, love anti-vaxxers who quote Jonas Salk. They always neglect to mention that he created the first successful inactive Polio vaccine. So, the originator of the killed-virus vaccine that we use today, is the default spokesperson for the anti-vax movement. That makes sense.

2. Science is flawed. Blah, blah, blah.

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3. Enter the autism argument.

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4. You’re poisoning your child.

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5. Peanuts?

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6.  Vaccines don’t protect you against disease. 

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7. Oh, look! The autism argument again.

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8. Most outbreaks are started by the vaccinated population.

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9. You are all brainwashed puppets!

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10. If you don’t travel to third world countries, you’re fine.

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11. Most doctors don’t vaccinate their children.

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12. It’s a personal decision.

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(photo: Andy Dean Photography/ Shutterstock)

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