10 Of The Craziest Daycare Haters From DaycaresDontCare.org
I have to warn you that when you read some of the comments below, you are going to rage stroke so hard that your head will break your computer monitor. I can tell you this because it just happened to me after delving into the horror that is DaycaresDontCare.org.
I don’t know what to say, except that this is one of the worst sites on the Internet. I’ll save the ”very worst site” title for child porn and human trafficking domains. DaycaresDontCare.org really is that bad. The entire website is filled with hate, judgment, and smugness disguised as ”concerned parents” who would never dare send their kids to such a negligent place as daycare.
What these concerned parents fail to take into account is that there are scientifically proven benefits to daycare. Some parents need daycare in order to keep a roof over their family’s heads; some parents proactively choose a daycare program in order to stimulate social development. All parents don’t need dickhead, holier-than-thou judgment based on weak, distorted facts as they are trying to make the best decision for their family.
Bite down on your wooden spoon and read these horrifying, REAL hate comments from DaycaresDontCare.org:
1. Daycare Will Make Your Kid A Drug Addict.
“By subsidizing day care the government will contribute to the next generation of drug addicts. …Even the best of day care centers cannot substitute for a mother’s presence.”
– Dr. Mary Newsome., Letter, “Day care steers kids toward drug abuse”, Chicago Sun-Times, 31-Jul-89
2. Please Keep Your Kid In A Bubble So They Never Get Sick.
“My kids were constantly sick with colds, flu, fevers, stomach pains and diarrhea when they were in a center…Yet the center gave me no credit for the days (my children missed). Meanwhile, I missed days from work. So, I felt the center was benefiting at my expense for the disease (my kids) got there in the first place.”
– Lisa C., quoted from the newspaper article, “Pressure on for Better Child Care System”
3. Daycare Is Real Bad, MmmKay.
“What a great website!! I was (a working mom) for almost 5 yrs, but I’ve since seen the light and am now trying to spread the word that leaving your kids at daycare is wrong, and if you believe you’re okay, it’s a big lie!! Keep up your good works!! I’m keeping this website to share with others.”
– e-mail to this site from “Angela”
4. Mother-Care Is Superior To Daycare.
“If you think that daycare is better than mother-care, then you probably believe that cafeteria food is better than home cooking.”
– David
5. Daycare Center Conspiracy Theories Abound.
“If daycare is supposedly as expensive as tuition at a university, and if child care providers are among the lowest-paid jobs, who’s getting all the money?”
– David S.
6. Parents Who Don’t Care Use Daycare.
“Finally there is a website to give people a reality check. I think every parent should review this website prior to farming their kids off to daycare.”
– e-mail to this site from Christa B.
7. The Daycare System Is Abusive.
“…I think the daycare system is the most abusive system to children. Daycare providers lack the education, patience, and love that children need to grow and thrive. Children need warm, secure, loving environments. Daycares provide nothing but under-trained, stressed-out young mothers…themselves trying to survive. These teachers don’t care for children. They tolerate them and give them as little as possible. Daycare, and the need for it, must be reduced or eliminated.”
– Carol S-C, 2-Feb-97, nva.org.uk
8. Children BEG Not To Go To Daycare.
“Amber Hudson doesn’t send her 11-month-old son, Caleb to day care, mainly because she knows what it’s like. “I was in day care,” said Hudson, 24, who lives near DeKalb. “I remember begging my mom, just begging her: ‘Please don’t make us go; please don’t make us go. Let us be home.'”
– Neil Steinberg & Richard A. Chapman, Chicago Sun-Times, p24, 5-Oct-97
9. Parents Who Use Daycare Shouldn’t Have Children.
“I, for one, am extremely worried about the outcome of this calamity in the making. Why do some people have kids if they’re going to palm off their basic responsibility of rearing them on underpaid, often indifferent day care workers?”
– Al Carli, Chicago Sun-Times, p36 Editorial, 31-Oct-97
10. You Can Spot A ”Daycare Kid” A Mile Away.
“My wife and I can usually tell in a few moments which child is raised by Mommy and which is raised by a nanny or day care. When our first child was born three years ago, my wife wanted to stay home to raise him, but she wasn’t sure she could do it. Having almost completed a PhD education, she was subjected to significant internal and external pressure, lack of social supports, and the question of whether we could make it on one salary. My wife took advantage of her year-long maternity leave to solidify her convictions, and at the end of that year she wrote a letter to her employer informing them that she wouldn’t be coming back as she now had a much more important job–raising her son.”
– Comments for My_Better_Half
(Image: Nadezhda1906/Shutterstock)