8 Annoying Truths Of Potty Training No One Warns You About

Potty-training is a shit-show. Of course that pun was intended! But seriously, it is. I knew it probably wouldn’t be as easy as some insisted it was, but there are certain aspects of it that I never even thought about before I started doing it.

1. Potty-training toddlers totally hog the bathroom.



I hope you have more than one bathroom. I don’t.

2. You will be washing sheets – a lot.



Night time is a whole other story.

3. Your child may not understand that potty training requires using other toilets, too.



I didn’t realize I’d have to give a pep talk every time we used a bathroom that wasn’t our own.

4. Those incredibly loud, public auto-flush toilets are the devil.



You finally get him pep-talked into the bathroom, and the loudest flush you’ve ever heard has completely freaked him out and made him second guess this whole “using the toilet” thing.

5. So are incredibly loud hand drying machines.




Seriously? Why are these so loud?

6. Your toddler will probably start following you into the bathroom and congratulating you every time you go “potty.”



It sounds cute but it’s not.

7. Your toddler will also probably start talking about your potty habits in mixed company and/or clapping for guests who go to the toilet.



Again, this may sound cute. It’s not.

8. You will have to feign excitement that your kid “peed on the potty” for months on end.




(photo: d13/ Shutterstock)

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