My Old Uterus And I Regret Not Getting The Amnio Test ASAP
If I were made to choose whether I was for genetic testing or against, I’m pretty sure I would be firmly on the against side. Not because of any religious or moral issues but simply because I don’t like working myself into a frenzy for months on end. I didn’t get the amnio with my last pregnancy. In retrospect, and after months of freaking out I realize I probably should have.
Advanced maternal age pregnancies are a pain in the ass. I wish I could sit here and pretend that they’re not – but I would be a big, fat liar. I was never able to relax in my last pregnancy, and I’m pretty sure it was because I had adamantly decided that I would not be suckered into being afraid of my aging reproductive system.
Here’s the thing; I was afraid. I was petrified. I was just hoping that I would be able to relinquish the fear when the first round of genetic tests came back and everything was okay. My doctors were pushing for the amnio from the get-go – but I was playing it off as if I was totally unaffected by the fear of God they put into you when you dare to put a baby in your old uterus. Who’s they? The medical establishment, your mom, episodes of “Private Practice,” and Star Magazine for starters. Everyone has an opinion about your old uterus. Everyone. I promise you that you will hear about all of the problems that this old uterus will bring throughout your entire pregnancy unless you nip all of the speculation in the bud with an amnio.
I had my first child at 37. I wasn’t exactly in my reproductive prime. When my genetic tests came back for that pregnancy, I tested as if I had the genetic make-up of a 25-year-old. There was no need to have any further testing. I just assumed the same thing would happen with my second pregnancy, three years later. Boy, was I wrong. All of a sudden, my body was 40. All genetic tests came back with the results they would expect of a 40-year-old.
You’re probably thinking that it’s not a big deal to have results come back that are actually consistent with your age. Wrong. If your uterus can masquerade as a vibrant, young 20-something – it’s all good. If it acts its age – you’re screwed.
I was screwed. At least according to all of my doctors.
Doctor: The screen shows that your baby has an elevated risk for Down’s Syndrome. Your probability came out to 1 in 255.
Me: One in 255? I’m not really a math person, but those seem like some pretty good odds to me.
Apparently not good enough. My doctor convinced me to have more rounds of tests at this point. She suggested the Harmony test which was almost as effective as an amnio, but with no needle in the belly. It’s a test I refused when they did the 12-week scan because I didn’t want to buy into the whole maternal age freak out. I was already regretting my decision, because had I just taken it, I would already have the results and wouldn’t have to wait another three weeks.
I take the test. It comes back negative for all genetic disorders. I am relieved. My doctor is not satisfied.
Doctor: This one is saying you are low risk for all of the genetic abnormalities it tests for. But because of your age and poor OB history, I think you should still have an amnio.
Me: Really? Why did I even bother to take the other test if it is coming back negative and you are still recommending an amnio?
Her: I’m not a geneticist. I can’t interpret the results. But you know, you’re not 20 you’re 39.
The Harmony test that she was selling as the greatest thing to ever happen to obstetrics was all of a sudden not conclusive enough to put a stop to my sleepless nights. She was still recommending the amnio. At this point I was five months pregnant and had been dealing with these tests since month three. For my own sanity, I told her to fuck off (in my head) and decided to be content with the results. Decided to, but I wasn’t totally convinced. Until the day my daughter was born completely healthy, there was still fear in the back of my mind that I may be facing a child with health problems. For that reason, I was never really able to relax and enjoy the pregnancy. I tried to make a decision to be above the whole advanced maternal age scare – and I ended up making everything worse.
The new blood tests that exist (like the Harmony) are almost as conclusive as an amnio, and will probably totally take the place of amnios eventually. The thing is we’re not really there yet, and in my experience doctors are going to believe that amnios are the only conclusive way of knowing how your baby is doing. I never thought I would be pro-amnio, but honestly if any of my girlfriends came to me for advice about genetic testing I would tell them to cut to the chase and get the amnio immediately. Then relax and enjoy your pregnancy.
(photo: KellyK7)