Adele Is Getting A $5,000 Necklace As A Push Present. I Got A TV.
According to the website Heat World , Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, better known as simply Adele, English chanteuse and musician, can expect to be graced with a £3000 (approximately $4,800) necklace push present for after the birth that her boyfriend Simon Konecki has brought her. When I gave birth to one of my children, my husband bought me a flat screen TV.
Now, that may not seem like the most romantic push present. He offered me all sorts of things, jewelry, a new watch, a beautiful British brand purse, but I wanted a TV. Our current TV was too small, not fancy enough, and I knew I would be spending long hours breastfeeding a newborn and I thought catching up on my “stories” was a good distraction while I had a tiny infant nursing for long stretches. And I was right! For that particular birth, I decided upon a practical gift instead of a blingy bauble. This is not to say I didn’t receive jewelry for the births of my other children, but I don’t know why push presents should be limited to those of the sparkly variety.
Being pregnant is a lot of work. Giving birth is even more work. Even though most new moms are thrilled at the prospect of meeting their tiny bundle of bliss and consider that “gift” enough, having a small token after pushing eight pounds of baby out is a nice reward. And it doesn’t have to be jewelry! Maybe you’d also like a new TV, or a gift certificate for a postpartum massage, or a comfy new bathrobe and slippers. Push presents don’t even have to be expensive, nor do they have to be purchased by a man. Any new mother would appreciate a copy of a book she has been dying to read, a small collection of her favorite snacks, a lipstick you think would like great on her, or even some bubble bath to enjoy when she finally gets a moment to relax after she is all healed.
A push present should be something strictly for the mother. Babies get enough junk, between piles of spanking new cotton onesies and swaddling blankets, new strollers and high chairs, most of the pre-birth gift giving is focused on the baby. But all the baby has to do is be born! It’s the poor mom doing all the work, and ending up with the scars of this work, stretch marks, episiotomy stitches, swollen breasts, cesarian scars, and a gigantic blanket of exhaustion. I think most mothers would agree that a new DVD or stack of her favorite magazines is a better gift than a bunch of half inflated balloons purchased from the hospital gift shop.
(Photo: Lia Toby/