Kid Sent Home For Amazing Act Of Kindness Because Adults Are Idiots
A nine-year-old Colorado school girl shaved her head to support her best friend who is battling cancer. Her act of solidarity violates her school dress code. She was sent home and told she would not be allowed back to school until she grows some hair back or wears a wig. It’s pretty disturbing when nine-year-olds act with more compassion than adults.
With her parents’ blessing, Kamryn Renfro shaved her head to show support to her cancer-stricken best friend, 11-year-old Delaney Clements. Clements lost her hair as a result of her chemotherapy treatments in her fight against neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer. Delaney was thrilled with what her friend did. She said, “It made me feel very special and that I’m not alone.”
Does anyone remember what it was like to have a childhood best friend? Those friendships are completely different than adult bonds. I would have walked over hot coals for my best friend when I was in grade school; I loved her like a sister. This is a beautiful gesture, and definitely a case when the school should see beyond their protocols, act human, and respond with acceptance and kindness. They aren’t.
When she tried to return to school after parting with her braids, she wasn’t allowed in. The school released this statement:
“Caprock Academy does have a detailed dress code policy, which was created to promote safety, uniformity, and a non-distracting environment for the school’s students. Under this policy, shaved heads are not permitted,” said Catherine Norton Breman, President and Chair of Caprock Academy Board of Directors.
The Academy’s statement also clarified that sometimes exceptions can be made to the dress code policy under “extraordinary circumstances.” I guess they don’t think that a nine-year-old parting with her hair to love and support her best friend is extraordinary enough. What a shame.
This little girl is acting with compassion and selflessness; aren’t those characteristics we should be supporting in our children? I think so. Her mother was told she couldn’t return to school until she grew her hair back or wore a wig. Nice.
The school has since changed their position and has decided to let her return to school today, and will meet tonight to discuss the situation and the policy. I guess they all need to clarify that if an 11-year-old girl is fighting a deadly illness it should be okay for her friend to support her. Because that’s not common sense or anything.
(photo: Facebook)