Brave 9-Year-Old To Westboro Baptist Church: ‘God Hates No One’
The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) in Topeka, Kansas, isn’t really known as a church so much as a hate group. Led by Fred Phelps, the 100-member congregation has an extreme stance against homosexuality (as well as Jews, blacks and pretty much all minority groups out there), and they spend most of their time staging protests around the country. Pass by the church on any given day and you’ll see protestors congregated outside, waving around signs with phrases like “God Hates Fags” and “Thanks God for dead soldiers” (yup, that’s just the kind of people they are).
Anyway, their antics make most regular people want to kick the shit out of them; others choose to simply ignore them. But 9-year-old Josef Miles had an even better idea. He recently passed by a WBC picket while on a walk with his mother, Patty Akrouche. Miles spotted signs proclaiming God’s hatred of homosexuals and various other groups, and he asked his mom if he could create his own sign.
“God Hates No One” is what he scribbled with pencil on a small piece of paper, then displayed it proudly alongside the haters.
Miles’ mom is understandably proud. She posted the photo to her Facebook page last week, along with the following description:
“After our walk around Washburn campus, we ran into the Phelps… Josef was determined to make his own statement so we went to the car and with pencil and his sketch pad, he made up his own little sign that reads “GOD HATES NO ONE”. I have never been prouder. Those people are scary but he stood strong, was respectful and stood by his convictions. He will be a good man, I have no doubt. I got my Mothers Day present early.”
It’s a powerful image, and it’s amazing to see a 9-year-old kid act so brave. We don’t blame his mom one bit for being so proud.