Total Overreaction: 6-Year-Old Suspended For Sexual Harassment After Singing LMFAO Song
D’Avonte Meadows is just 6 years old and a first-grade student at Sable Elementary in Aurora, Colorado. Last week, he was suspended for sexual harassment after singing the lyrics to LMFAO’s “Sexy and I Know It” to a female classmate. And, not surprisingly, there are two schools of thought on the matter: one is that he deserves to be suspended, the other is that he is 6 years old and most likely has no idea what the line “I’m sexy and I know it” even means.
I fall into the latter category. Don’t get me wrong, this kid needs to be dealt with pronto. But to accuse him of sexual harassment is just absurd. He is 6 years old! Maybe I feel so strongly because I, too, am the mother of a 6-year-old boy who happens to be into LMFAO. Is their music appropriate for a 6-year-old? Not really. But one day he came home from summer camp, asked me to type “Party Rock Anthem” into YouTube, and up came LMFAO’s hit (which includes the line, “In the club party rock, lookin’ for your girl? She on my jock…“). He then proceeded to do a whole big dance the official “camp dance,” he explained which he and his little brother performed almost every day for the next two months. It did not even occur to me to call the camp and complain mostly because he and dozens of other kids I know were singing it all the time (it was forever playing on the radio, in malls, at the gym and, as I’ve just mentioned, at summer camp!).
Well, I’m glad my kid doesn’t go to Sable Elementary. Because I’d be less than thrilled if he got suspended for sexual harassment for reciting some line he didn’t understand. Granted, D’Avonte’s mother, Stephanie Meadows, told ABC7 News that her son had had disciplinary problems prior to the whole LMFAO ordeal. Just last month, in fact, he was sent to the principal’s office for singing the same song to the same girl. (Now that I think about, I’d be causing a big stink if I were the girl’s mother so I do see both sides here.)
But Stephanie still doesn’t think her son’s actions warrants a suspension for sexual harassment, and I don’t disagree. ”I could understand if he was fondling her, looking up her skirt, trying to look in her shirt. That, to me, is sexual harassment,” Meadows told ABC7 News. She also said she plans to sit with him “and see if he understands exactly what the song means.”
Something tells me he won’t. Which is why I’m so opposed to the whole sexual harassment claim. Suspension for disciplinary problems is one thing; suspension for reciting the line “I’m sexy and I know it” is a whole thing altogether. I wouldn’t feel that way about a teenager, but I most certainly do about a 6-year-old child.
How about you? Do you think the school overreacted, or do you think D’Avonte deserved to be suspended for sexual harassment?