5 Weird But Fun St. Patrick’s Day Crafts To Make While Drinking
St. Patrick’s Day is one of my all-time favorite holidays. It has everything a celebration needs to be awesome: booze, a huge parade, the color green, and more booze. As a woman of Irish descent, I should be insulted by the amount of booze-filled shenanigans that go on during one of our holiest of days (there’s more vomit in midtown Manhattan after the St. Paddy’s Day parade than there are tourists), but for some reason I love it (probably because I’m drunk). St. Patrick’s Day is so awesome that it can even make things I normally hate seem great… even crafting. Turns out anything is fun after a pint of Guinness. Much like my Groundhog’s Day crafting post, here are five weird but fun crafts to do (preferably while getting wasted on green beer) this St. Patrick’s Day.
(Photo: Shutterstock/Ronald Sumners)
5. Toilet Roll Leprechaun
Okay, technically this is a paper towel roll craft, but since you have to cut it to TP roll length and I have the maturity of a 9-year-old, I’m calling it what it is. If you can make it past the mindbogglingly repetitive music, this is actually a cute tutorial. Most parents of young kids will have these materials on hand, and the instructions are simple. This would be great for a rainy day and/or a post-St. Paddy’s hangover activity.
(Video: ArtDaniela)
4. Toilet Paper Roll Shamrock
This tutorial refers to toilet paper rolls as “cardboard tubes.” Why is everyone so afraid to talk about toilet paper rolls? It’s not like they’re called “poop paper rolls.” This craft is even easier than the last one, and would be perfect as a wine-o-clock activity for you and your toddler. They use fancy-ass tacky glue and fishing line to do theirs, but I think regular old Elmer’s and some string would work just fine. This one is so cute I’ll forgive the “you’ll really be going green this St.Patrick’s Day” pun the woman makes at the end.
(Video: FamilyFun magazine)
3. Beer Cupcakes
This isn’t technically a craft, but it involves beer AND cake so I’m including it (you’re welcome). This is a little more involved than the last two, and not exactly kid-friendly, but sometimes moms need a break, and that break should include cake and booze.
(Video: WoodlandBakery)
2. Stained Glass Shamrock
We used to make a version of this in school when I was a kid, and it was glorious. All you need are scissors, tissue paper, glue and wax paper (and some booze, obviously). If you want to get fancy you can use Modge Podge, but if you don’t have that on hand you need should dilute the glue or an epic mess will ensue.
(Video: Animaplates)
1. St. Paddy’s Day Flower Ball
This is definitely something I would never attempt sober, and honestly, I probably wouldn’t even try it drunk, but damn if it doesn’t look cool. The mom in the video is super sweet (I love the Fargo-esque accent), and her crafting table setup is enviable (if you’re into that sort of thing). I love that she calls this a “dollar store craft” because the dollar store is MY kind of store.
(Video: CraftKlatch)