The 5 Types Of Mom Frump And What They Say About You In The Frumpy Mom Revolution
The frumpy mom revolution is upon us! Time to leave those CFM heels in the closet for the likes of Miranda Kerr and pull out your clogs. Let’s all revisit our scrunchie collections and finally finish knitting those ugly sweaters for Christmas.
However, one thing to keep in mind on our quest to to disavowing Brazilian waxes might be that “frumpy” does not have one cultural translation. While our beloved Eve Vawter may be thinking kitty sweaters and flannel shirts, I guarantee you others are thinking that they can loaf around in expensive pink track suits with perfectly manicured nails. Throwing on some running shoes and a decent looking shirt isn’t quite the same commitment as mom jeans if you know what I mean.
We are a frump nation divided — and that’s okay! All those who embrace their inner frump are welcome on the grand path to lasagne recipe collecting. But just so we’re all aware, let us recognize the various types of mom frump currently in our cultural midst.