$265 Jeans For Your Infant? Denise Richards Thinks They’re Worth It.

Denise Richards recently tweeted this picture of her daughter wearing $265 Gucci Baby jeans. I’m sure baby Eloise looks absolutely adorable in them. And I can’t even fault the actress for spending so much money on a pair of jeans that her daughter will grow out of in a couple months. After all, if she has the money, she has the right to spend it (or waste it) on anything she pleases.

However, I have to mention that the mere existence of $265 jeans for the ten-and-under set is completely ridiculous. No matter what designer name has been slapped on the label, there’s no reason for kids to have such expensive clothing.

I’m not suggesting that children’s clothing all needs to be cheap sacks of cloth. I enjoy buying my daughter adorable clothes and I appreciate spending a little extra money so that the clothes are well-made and last more than one wear.

But an infant’s clothes don’t last long enough to be seen as an “investment piece” therefore justifying their insane price. There’s really no original design going into these things that fashion designers can use as an excuse. These jeans pictured look identical to a pair of Osh Kosh jeans I bought two years ago. Children this young don’t care about what they’re wearing, as long as it’s comfortable.

Designers make these kids lines because people like Denise Richards will buy them. And the wealthy pay the exorbitant amounts so that their children and their branded-clothing accurately reflects their status. It’s not about how cute the clothes are, every child looks adorable whether their jeans are $20 or $200. It’s not about the clothes quality, you don’t have to pay that much to get clothes that won’t fall apart in the weeks it will take your kids to outgrow them. The only reason for these clothes is to reiterate your own status as wealthy and privileged.

I’m not sure there’s any way to stop this cycle, the supply and demand are both there. But it doesn’t stop the entire designer kid clothes industry from being totally ridiculous and a large waste of money.

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