16-Year-Old Kendall Jenner’s ‘Sexy Shoot’ Is Actually Quite Tame
That’s how Lovecat magazine is billing it’s latest editorial spread starring 16-year-old Kendall Jenner of the infamous Kardashian-Jenner clan.
Kendall, who’s been modeling since age 13, recently donned sexy little swimsuits for Australian swimwear company White Sands. So when we first read she’d be starring in a “sexy” shoot, we were afraid. Very afraid.
This is, after all, a highly sexualized era, one in which 10-year-old models pose provocatively and 17-year-olds channel their inner Lolita all in the name of fashion. Added to this notion is the fact that Kendall’s mom is Kris Jenner, the same woman-slash-momager who spends her time pimping out promoting her celebrity daughters in some rather questionable ways.
We were able to check out the shoot via Fashionista and, well, it was surprisingly tame. I’d go so far as to say age-appropriate! And we couldn’t be more pleased. The photos feature Kendall modeling some pretty sweet but basic looks, and each shot has Lisa Frank-illustrated graphics Photoshopped in (think birds and fawn and rainbow deer).
Accompanying the photos is a brief Q&A in which Kendall describes things like her hobbies (“I love snowboarding, modeling, riding horses and going to the beach when it’s hot out!!! Hahaha!”), favorite movie-theater snack (“Sour Patches!!!”) and guilty pleasure (“I LOVE Pretty Little Liars, I’m like obsessed!!!!”). The fact that she looks and sounds like a typical teenage girl (exclamation points included) is refreshing, especially since we know there’s nothing normal about growing up in the Kardashian household. But, hey, she’s sending a “normal” message out to her legions of young fans and we think that’s pretty cool.
(Photo: Fashionista.com)