Somebody Grab A Trophy For This First-Time Mother Who Delivered A 15lbs 7oz Baby Vaginally

15 pound newbornI know it’s heavily contested mommy ground to hand out medals for birthing experiences, complete with stars and badges that read “Vaginal Birth” and “No Drugs.” But I definitely think nothing short of trophy is in order for 21-year-old Jade Packer who naturally delivered her 15lbs 7oz son and lived to tell about it. Better you than me, Jade!

BBC reports that baby George King was born six weeks ago after a 16-hour labor– and he’s already wearing clothes for the three to six month bracket. This newborn is already over two feet in height.

In what I can only chalk up to some janky prenatal care, Jade and her partner Ryan King, along with the overseeing doctors, didn’t “[know] he would be so big.” (?!) The young couple was told that “everything was normal until he popped out.” (Time to throw out that sonogram machine!)

Jade says that after George’s head appeared, the delivery room of about 20 doctors were “shocked.” The poor infant got stuck at his shoulders, went without oxygen for five minutes, and was then given an only 10 percent chance of surviving.

George was later packed off to St Michael’s Hospital in Bristol and later discharged to go have a happy baby life at four and a half weeks.

He has reportedly been named “the biggest baby ever born in Gloucestershire.” Mommy Jade is also apparently putting off having another baby for awhile.

You and me both!

(photo: Daniel M. Nagy / Shutterstock)

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