12 Pool Noodle Hacks To Keep Your Kids Occupied This Summer
I hate pool noodles. Sure, I bought one, but that’s because Big Pool Noodle is such a pervasive force at my local grocery store. To be honest, we mostly just hide the pool noodle in the garage somewhere, hoping that my daughter will remember that we purchased it.
Why? Because pool noodles are actually sinister medieval torture devices, invented by someone who just wants to watch the world burn. If you’ve ever had to spend any time at your local public pool, then you know exactly what I’m talking about; being smacked in the head with long cylinders of closed cell foam or being sprayed in the face by some drunk middle-aged dude bro who thinks he’s being funny by spitting water through the hole in the middle of his is pretty much exactly how I envision hell. But that doesn’t keep me from buying pool noodles and then burying them, cursing their dismal decay rates. I really had no idea what I planned on doing with all of these things.
And then I found all of these pool noodle hacks on Pinterest, which I pinned to a board that I titled “Shit I’ll Totally Pretend To Do And Then Never Look At Again”. Maybe one of you is more motivated. Here’s a whole mess of pool noodle hacks for kids:
1. Pool Noodle Forest
2. Pool Noodle Tic-Tac-Toe
3. Pool Noodle Lightsabers
4. Pool Noodle Raft
5. The Quietest Blocks Ever
6. Pool Noodle Obstacle Course
7. Pool Noodle Bike Wash
8. Pool Noodle Seahorses
9. Marble Race Tracks
10. Pool Noodle Ring Toss
11. Pool Noodle Bow and Arrow
12. Lincoln Logs