10 Worst Mommy Hashtags
Parents, especially mothers, are super active on social media for good reason: an entire parenting community is there to troubleshoot breastfeeding struggles, swap colic advice, and perhaps sell you a discounted high chair at a fabulous price. But where there are mothers and fathers who can comfort you through a miscarriage, there are also a trough of annoying Internet codes for mommying, much akin to our favorite worst “mommy words.” Navigate the following Twitter hashtags with caution as they often accompany your fairly standard banal social media updates, only with poop, cleaning, and general unsolicited mom bragging.
1. #MommyLife
3. #MommyProblems
4. #HappyMommy
5. #MommyToBe
6. #Preggers
7. #LoveBeingAMom
8. #MotherhoodIsTheBest
9. #LoveBeingAWifeAndMom
10. #MotherhoodIsEverything