10 Totally Adorable Ornaments To Start Hoarding For The Holidays
I mean, yeah, I’m not even close to Martha Stewart but I’m not above totally geeking out over all of the cuteness I have seen, especially when it comes to Christmas ornaments, because even though I may not have a magazine worthy house at all times I can bedeck a tree with the best of them. Plus, I love giving and receiving Christmas ornaments. They are cheap, there are a million different types, and most people who have a tree usually enjoy receiving them, especially if they are attached to a bottle of wine.
These Mice
Can’t.. type”¦. dying..of..cuteness.
This Fancy Bunny
Every year I get my kids a new ornament. Last year I got my daughter a very similar bunny from Anthro but I think I will get her this one for this year.
This Little House
And it even has a little cat and dog on it!
This EZ Bake Oven
For anyone who ever baked tiny cakes with a lightbulb.
This Krampus Ornament
You know, to scare your kids with, because if they make the naughty list The Krampus will come and eat you for dinner.
This Whale Ornament
Because I love how graphic it is.
This Sugar Skull
Because it’s pink and awesome.
This Fishing Cat
Because he is even wearing little cat wellies!
These Amazing DIY Diorama Ornaments
These are a few years old but they are some of my favorite ornaments ever. From the brilliant Blog Giddy Giddy, get the tutorial here.
This Unicorn Wearing Lederhosen
Because it’s a unicorn wearing lederhosen, and your Christmas tree won’t be complete without it.
(Image: Archee McPhee)