10 Things Parents And Psychopaths Have In Common
Parents would do anything to keep their children safe. An obvious part of doing that is keeping them away from people who exhibit personality traits often associated with psychopaths. Ironically, lots of everyday actions performed by parents would absolutely raise red flags if they were done by a stranger. Here’s 10 things parents and homicidal maniacs have in common.
1. They save body parts.
You have a lace trimmed box in the closet containing an umbilical stump, a lock of hair and several baby teeth. Just let that sink in.
2. They like to watch you sleep.
That moment when you peer over your snoozing angel and watch their chest rise and fall is so peaceful and sweet. Until you imagine it with the theme song to Halloween playing in the background.
3. They try to keep tabs their victims.
Tapping into your child’s Facebook account or checking the GPS location of your teen’s cell phone is your right as a parent. It’s also something stalkers do.
4. They deal with large puddles of bodily fluids.
Thankfully Target carries Chlorox wipes.
5. They enjoy setting the scene.
Outfits hand-sewed from a Pinterest pattern for the family Christmas card photo or an elaborately prepared kill room ala Dexter, presentation is important to you.
6. They keep trophies.
Four pairs of baby shoes, a stack of preschool art work and every handmade holiday decoration your child ever made sit in a box in the bottom of the closet. Jeffery Dahmer saved lots of things too.
7. They’re highly organized.
A day trip to the zoo requires lots of planning, disinfecting wipes and a spare change of clothes. The same can be said for a killing spree.
8. They issue directives.
“It puts the sunscreen on its skin or else it gets time out again.”
9. They like to sniff people.
Sticking your nose in someone’s scalp and telling them how good they smell is completely acceptable if that person is wearing diapers. Otherwise it’s all kinds of creepy.
10. They are excellent liars.
Whether it’s coming up with an alibi for Tuesday between the hours of 1 and 3 p.m. or telling your kids that there are no more thin mints in the house, both parents and serial killers can keep a straight face without breaking a sweat.
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