10 Reasons That Your House Is A Mess With Toddlers
If toddlers aren’t resisting both bedtime and nap time then they’re running a muck all over your house and ruining your prized white sofa (whaaa? You STILL have that?). In the last few years, you’ve most likely watched your previously pristine space become awash in plastic crap that you swore that you’d never buy and more raisins in the cushions than you can count.
But with one or possibly more adults in the house, how does your home manage to look like a drunken parade of toddlers barged through Jumanji style?
1. Because you have toddler toes to spontaneously paint
(photo: ashleighmosley)
2. Because you just hosted the longest playdate ever
(photo: Laura_and_Alex)
3. Because lunch ended up in places that you didn’t anticipate
(photo: Arkansasgirl72)
4. Because it’s randomly time to paint now
(photo: Ian & Becca)
5. Because it’s randomly time to bake now
(photo: AmberStrocel)
6. Because somebody randomly wants to try on all their clothes right now
(photo: RokeritaDelFlow)
7. Because somebody randomly wants to play with all their toys right now
(photo: Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing])
8. Because it’s your birthday and mommy wants a cake shot
(photo: lohkin)
9. Because you decided to give me pasta, you fool
(photo: matt misener)
10. Because I’m helping you cook tonight
(photo: famillediaoune)