10 Halloween Costumes For Preteens That Aren’t Totally Derpy
I’ve got an 11-year-old kid who wants to go out trick or treating this year. He is on the cusp of being “too old” to do this and he claims that this will be his last year. I’m not sure I believe him, because I still get high school students coming to my door every Halloween and I have no issue throwing some fun sized candy bars at them. As long as they aren’t setting fires in garbage cans or egging my house I don’t mind giving teens candy. I can remember being nine and some mean mom telling me I was TOO OLD to be trick or treating, and my own mom stepping in to say she’s only nine and gently leading me away. I was a really tall kid, and I remember feeling so bad and sort of ashamed about that comment. If you are like me and have a not-quite teen who still wants to go out, I say let them. Kids grow up so fast and Halloween is one of those goofy, childhood happy fun times where kids can feel like they are still a kid. If you are also like me, one of the challenges of Halloween with pre-teens is finding them a costume that isn’t dumb (dressing up like the opposite sex with wig, falsies and high heels) or offensive (cultural appropriation garb, Miley Cyrus.) Here are some costume ideas that your pre-teen may actually not despise and roll their eyes at.
Minecraft Guys
Your kid is probably obsessed anyway, they may as well dress like it.
Adventure Time Costumes
I have seen so many amazing Adventure Time costumes, there are a ton for sale but the DIY ones are my favorites.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Costumes
If you are a totally terrible parent like I am, you may have let your kid watch ATHF and you may have actually watched all episodes with them and you may have the DVD’s. BONUS: This pregnant mom dressed as Carl may be the best thing ever.
Edward Cullen Twilight Costume
Narwhalicorn Mask
(Image: amazon)
This is what my own kid is being, and pairing it with a black cape and a brightly colored rainbow sweatshirt. I have NO idea why, but he finds it hysterical.
Emily The Strange
Carrie Costume
Now that the remake of the movie is in theaters, your daughter may totally be into ruining a white satin dress and tiara.
Sharknado Costume
[youtube_iframe id=”a5vqjwbE-Yg”]
If your kid was like my kid, they found the SyFy channel movie hiiiiii-larious. This tutorial isn’t that difficult and you have plenty of time to get it done before Halloweem.
Regular Show Costumes
There are a ton of Regular Show costumes for both boys and girls out there.
Grumpy Cat
[youtube_iframe id=”p7uTvCtcbXA”]
Everyone loves Grumpy Cat, and here is another easy tutorial for your preteen from the Threadbanger people.
(Images: Pinterest/reddit)