10 Best Online Reviewed Baby Halloween Costumes

If this is your first Halloween with a baby, good luck. You’ll need it. There are a lot of costumes out there for infants that are so itchy, hot and uncomfortable that you’ll maybe only get one good photo or two before your kid starts crying. Yet, for those not looking to spend upwards for $200 for something your baby will quite literally never wear again, options can seem a little scarce. And you’ll know this because you’ll spend hours picking through various online reviews trying to find something that works.

Based on various online reviews — on multiple sites —  these baby costumes are the best of the best. Nevertheless, if your baby has very sensitive skin or has an aversion to synthetic materials, we do not recommend these costumes.

1. Puppy

$32.99 from costumeexpress.com
$32.99 from costumeexpress.com

2. Lobster

$26.01 - $148.45 from amazon.com
$26.01 – $148.45 from amazon.com

3. Mary Had A Little Lamb!

$16.72 - $85.98 from amazon.com
$16.72 – $85.98 from amazon.com

4. Monkey

$42.95 from PartyBell.com

5. Dragon

$33.95 - $156.05 from amazon.com
$33.95 – $156.05 from amazon.com

6. Monster

$29.88 – $150.35 from amazon.com

7. Chicken

$34.99 from BuyCostumes.com

8. Cow

$14.88 from Walmart.com

9. Lil’ Lion

$43.90 from WholesaleHalloweenCostumes.com

10. Batman

$13.82 from amazon.com

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